What is an HSA?
Save money & live healthier by opening an HSA to manage your healthcare costs, even if you’re on a high-deductible plan.
Choosing the Best Debt Repayment Strategy
Two effective methods for tackling debt: paying off the smallest balances first or paying off the highest interest balances first.
Paying Back Your University Loans
Dental students, did you know that several options make it easier to pay off Federal student loans?
Student Debt Management
Having a plan to manage your debt may help improve your financial well-being and move you closer to achieving financial security.
Subsidized vs Unsubsidized Loans
Understanding the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans is essential when payments restart!
Tips Before Your Child Signs for Student Loans
Worried about your child taking on student loan debt? With the right strategy, your student can be debt-free in no time!
6 Questions About 529 Plans
Are you considering a 529 plan for your child’s future college expenses? Here are 6 questions parents frequently ask financial advisors!
The Complex Waters of Aging Parent’s Finances
This National Parents’ Day, consider taking a second look at your aging parents’ finances.
Summer: Great Time to Teach Kids About Money
July is National Make a Difference to Children Month, which is a great time to teach your kids about money!
Tax & Estate Strategies For Married LGBTQ+ Couples
Learn how to maximize your tax and estate strategy as a married member of the LGBTQ+ community!
Revisiting Elder Care Issues
Existing financial, health care, and living arrangements that were satisfactory at age 65 often require a second look.
The Role of Caregiver Affects Women Differently
Caregiving can affect women’s professional advancement at work, as well as their ability to save and plan for retirement.
5 Estate Considerations For The LGBTQ+ Community
LGBTQ+ couples face particularly complicated issues when establishing a workable estate strategy.
401(k) Rollovers Can Make or Break Retirement
Coaches, understanding the value of rollovers is essential to preserving a secure & organized financial future.
Older Americans: Growing Targets of Financial Fraud
Older generations grew up in a world where it was customary to be courteous and trusting. Unfortunately, this often puts them at greater risk for financial fraud.
Countdown to Retirement
Many people age 50 and older haven’t begun to save for retirement or have yet to accumulate sufficient funds. It’s not too late to take charge.
America’s Changing Vision of Retirement
As you prepare and save for retirement, give some thought to the kind of retirement you envision for yourself.
How to Minimize Taxes During Market Downturns
Market downturns could be a good time to adjust your fund portfolio to minimize the tax bite. Here’s how to calculate the best ways to do that – now and in the future.