CCR Named to the 2018 NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams List
CCR is proud to be recognized by the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) for our service in the retirement plan market.

November 2018 Market Outlook Video
Watch our latest Market Outlook Video to gain insights on the current market and economic conditions.

October 2018 Market Outlook
This Outlook edition has (uncharacteristically) trod lightly on economic numbers and interest rate narratives. Suffice to say, the numbers have remained quite strong since our last e-mail in August.

CCR listed on the Financial Times Top 401 Retirement Advisors
We are proud to be named in the 2018 edition of the Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Advisers.

How to Talk to Clients About Money and Marriage
Talking to clients about their personal relationships may be awkward, but they are essential conversations to have for effective financial planning.

CCR Purchases Books for Local Classroom
This year we chose a classroom we found that needed books. We received a sweet letter of thanks from the teacher.

Community Harvest 2018
CCR harvested eggplant, tomatoes and peppers for the Community Harvest Project, a non-profit farm that grows fresh fruits and vegetables for the community.

Post-College Financial Planning And Debt Relief Tips For Your Clients’ Children
CCR Partner Jonathan Albano offers three important points of guidance for financial advisors working with clients who have children who have recently graduated from college.

CCR listed as a Top Firm by AUM 2018
CCR has been named once again to Accounting Today’s annual ranking of the Top 150 CPA Firms by Assets Under Management.

July 2018 Live Market Update Video
Watch a Live Market Outlook from CCR Wealth Managements CIO, John Maher and Partner and Financial Planner, Jonathan Albano to gain their insights on the current market and economic conditions.

Setting Client Expectations in a Volatile Investment Environment
As volatility becomes the norm and double-digit gains become an anomaly, it’s time to boost your contacts with your clients to keep them content.

Veterans Inc. – Stand Down 2018
This year we supported the Stand Down event by collecting socks of all types to be donated to the vets.

March for Babies 2018
We had a great time at the March for Babies Walk in Worcester, MA – our tie-dye t-shirts went great with the purple!

How Advisors Can Help Clients Facing an Empty Nest
Michael Rousseau discusses the importance of supporting your clients facing an empty nest.

Earth Day Cleanup 2018
Each year we choose a local spot that needs to be cleaned up in honor of Earth Day.

Why Advisors Should Keep Politics Out of Portfolios
In Keeping Politics Out of the Portfolio, published on ThinkAdvisor.com, Jonathan Albano talks about the importance of taking a clients politically fueled emotions out of their investing strategy.

February 2018 Live Market Update Video
View our inaugural live market update with our Chief Investment Office, John Maher.

Thinking of Selling Your Dental Practice? 4 Things You Should Know
Mark Palmerino gives his key considerations any dental practice owner should be thinking about as you begin to mull a sale of your business.