Post-College Financial Planning And Debt Relief Tips For Your Clients’ Children

As a financial planner working with clients at all stages of their financial life, you likely have clients who want to make sure their adult children take the right financial path as they start their careers.

CCR Wealth Management Partner Jonathan Albano offers three important points of guidance for financial advisors working with clients who have children who have recently graduated from college. In Post-College Financial Planning and Debt Relief Tips for Your Clients’ Children, recently published in Financial Advisor Magazine, Jonathan gives three specific tips for advising these clients, noting that:

Every parent wants to see their children make wise choices—and avoid mistakes the parent made at their age. And many people who start earning money for the first time develop bad habits with bill payment and credit cards unless shown the proper path. Sharing best practices with a client’s adult child is also a prudent relationship management best practice. The advisor can strengthen client retention efforts with the parent, lay groundwork for a new client relationship with the child and increase the chance of getting referrals from both.

Jonathan Albano, CFP®