Bitcoin Is Likely to Gain Widespread Acceptance
Bitcoin advanced more than 70% during the third quarter and nosedived 25% over four days in mid-November only to rebound astronomically in the days since.

Bitcoin for Beginners: 3 Things to Know Before You Invest
Bitcoin has been luring some investors with potentially huge rewards—and scaring others away with equally big risks.

How to Help Small Business Owners Prep For a Sale
In How to Help Small Business Owners Prep for a Sale, Mark Palmerino gives four keys to assisting clients looking to retire.

CCR named on the NAPA Top DC Advisor Firms
NAPA has published its first-ever list of top defined contribution (DC) Advisor Firms, and CCR is honored to be included!

CCR named on the 2017 Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Plan Advisors
Richard Moore is pleased to announce that he has been named to the 2017 edition of the Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Plan Advisers.

Community Harvest 2017
CCR team members volunteered at the Community Harvest Project, a non-profit farm that grows fresh fruits and vegetables for the community.

Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin—Fad or Future?
Caveat Emptor may never have been a more fitting caution than for those looking to enter the cryptocurrency craze.

What to Tell Clients Feeling Market Anxiety
How to have a clear-eyed, sober conversation with investors who feel the bull market is long in the tooth.

Help Your Clients Avoid Disastrous Mistakes When Filling in College Funding Gaps
For parents sending their kids to college this year, the numbers are staggering: the average out-of-state tuition for a four-year public institution is nearly $25,000.

July 2017 Market Outlook
This market has seemed to defy odds and expectations given the pressures of the current highly politicized environment.

How Advisors Can Best Educate Clients About Online Financial Tools
Clients don’t rely on WebMD for serious medical concerns, so they shouldn’t trust fintech with all their investing, insurance and tax needs.

Four Tips For Clients Thinking About Buying a Vacation Home
Even if a client can afford a second home, there are wide array of long-term planning considerations to take into account.

How Over-Emphasizing Tax Deductions Can Get Your Clients Into Trouble
Now that the tax season is over, this is perhaps the slowest time on the calendar for many financial advisers.

How To Best Support Politically Divided Couples
Married couples tend to have political views that are relatively in sync, but not always.

April 2017 Market Outlook
If we can recognize within ourselves which biases have tended to define our investment approaches, then we are taking the first step toward improving our results already.

Cetera® Advisors Honors CCR Wealth Management as Ensemble of the Year at Annual Awards Conference 2017
CCR is honored to be awarded the 2017 Ensemble of the Year by Cetera® Advisors.