CCR Insights


Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin—Fad or Future?

Caveat Emptor may never have been a more fitting caution than for those looking to enter the cryptocurrency craze. 


What to Tell Clients Feeling Market Anxiety

How to have a clear-eyed, sober conversation with investors who feel the bull market is long in the tooth.


Help Your Clients Avoid Disastrous Mistakes When Filling in College Funding Gaps

For parents sending their kids to college this year, the numbers are staggering: the average out-of-state tuition for a four-year public institution is nearly $25,000.


Investment Experts On Debt Ceiling: Don’t Panic

With much of the U.S. media focused on the showdown in Washington over the debt ceiling, Central Massachusetts financial advisors are getting their share of calls from concerned investors. Their message: Don’t get too worried.