CCR Insights


July 2017 Market Outlook

This market has seemed to defy odds and expectations given the pressures of the current highly politicized environment.


How Advisors Can Best Educate Clients About Online Financial Tools

Clients don’t rely on WebMD for serious medical concerns, so they shouldn’t trust fintech with all their investing, insurance and tax needs.


Four Tips For Clients Thinking About Buying a Vacation Home

Even if a client can afford a second home, there are wide array of long-term planning considerations to take into account.


How Over-Emphasizing Tax Deductions Can Get Your Clients Into Trouble

Now that the tax season is over, this is perhaps the slowest time on the calendar for many financial advisers.


How To Best Support Politically Divided Couples

Married couples tend to have political views that are relatively in sync, but not always.


March of Dimes March for Babies 2017

Check out Team CCR at the Worcester, MA Walk for Babies.

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