CCR Insights


LGBTQ+ Community Has Unique Aging Issues

LGBTQ+ baby boomers experience unique economic and health disparities. Learn how to make long-term care planning, healthcare planning, and needs unique to the LGBTQ+ community part of your financial planning analysis.

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Tips for Leaving an Inheritance to Family

Leaving an inheritance to your family is a thoughtful gesture, but it’s important to consider potential disruptions.

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Setting Your Family’s Financial Values

Caught between raising kids and caring for aging parents? With the right guidance, you can ease financial burdens and set a strong vision for your children.

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Staying on Top of Your 401(k) Can Pay Dividends

While it’s tempting to follow every market fluctuation, the key to securing a prosperous retirement lies in long-term planning.

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The Power of a Trust

Are you worried about protecting your assets and ensuring they are distributed according to your wishes after you’re gone? Trusts can help with that.

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Are Financial Advisors Still Relevant in a Digital World?

Take action today, no matter how small, to secure a better tomorrow. Your future self will thank you!

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