CCR Insights


November 2012 Market Outlook

In June we quoted Alexis de Toqueville with regard to the developed world’s attempt to come to grips with fiscal burdens of increasingly hefty magnitudes.

WBJ 40 Under 40

David Borden Listed in 40 Under 40 in WBJ

David Borden listed in 40 Under 40 in Worcester Business Journal.


June 2012 Market Outlook

“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design”–Friedrich A. Hayek


April 2012 Market Outlook

We commented in January that “we expect the continued, gradual growth rate of the US (2%-3%) to support an ultimately improved investment climate domestically—but we are convinced we will remain in a low-return environment…” 


January 2012 Market Outlook

By now most of us have read our fill of 2011 post-mortems—but we’re compelled to add a few thoughts of our own before we look ahead, seeking to apply the experience and perspectives gained to our outlook on global markets in 2012.


October 2011 Market Outlook

This past quarter we’ve witnessed Europe’s fiscal issues finally metastasize into banking issues (Belgium’s Dexia)—long feared—as their politicians, like our own, have made an art form of “kicking the can down the road”.


Investment Experts On Debt Ceiling: Don’t Panic

With much of the U.S. media focused on the showdown in Washington over the debt ceiling, Central Massachusetts financial advisors are getting their share of calls from concerned investors. Their message: Don’t get too worried.


July 2011 Market Outlook

We have made general market commentaries in recent portfolio reviews on the seemingly déjà vu aspects to this Spring and Summer’s market movements.


April 2011 Market Outlook

A client of ours called about 5 or 6 weeks ago in a bit of a panic. Their question: when (not if) to get out of the market?


January 2011 Market Outlook

CCR Wealth Management greets the New Year with more sanguine market and economic reflections for our clients’ consideration—at last!


November 2010 Market Outlook

As we approach the end of another calendar year, we reflect not just on the events and developments of 2010, but on the decade that this month concludes. 


August 2010 Market Outlook

The market volatility we have all experienced in the last two weeks, and especially the last few days has all investors understandably on edge.


June 2010 Market Outlook

As we write, stocks are off some 12.5% from their April 26 highs (as measured by the S&P 500). 


January 2010 Market Outlook

For the year, all major oil, precious, and base metal indexes either exceeded, or far exceeded the major developed global equity index universe.