CCR Insights


July 2018 Live Market Update Video

Watch a Live Market Outlook from CCR Wealth Managements CIO, John Maher and Partner and Financial Planner, Jonathan Albano to gain their insights on the current market and economic conditions.


February 2018 Live Market Update Video

View our inaugural live market update with our Chief Investment Office, John Maher.

Jan 2018

January 2018 Market Outlook

2017 was a remarkable year. We jumped from a pessimistic tone in the media’s assessment of global markets and economics throughout 2016 to comparisons of the 1990’s technology stock-market bubble in the span of about six months. 


October 2017 Market Outlook

This quarter, we discuss Bitcoin and other “cryptocurrencies”.


July 2017 Market Outlook

This market has seemed to defy odds and expectations given the pressures of the current highly politicized environment.


How Advisors Can Best Educate Clients About Online Financial Tools

Clients don’t rely on WebMD for serious medical concerns, so they shouldn’t trust fintech with all their investing, insurance and tax needs.


April 2017 Market Outlook

If we can recognize within ourselves which biases have tended to define our investment approaches, then we are taking the first step toward improving our results already.


January 2017 Market Outlook

Greetings this New Year from our new office facilities in Westborough, MA. We hope you will find time to stop in if you are in the area!


October 2016 Market Outlook

For some, higher mortgage payments may soon become a reality.


Mid 2016 Market Outlook

Here at the mid-point of 2016 it’s worth noting the remarkable turn of events, both inside and outside of the financial world we professionals occupy.


May 2016 Market Outlook

In today’s hyper-connected world with media outlets “screaming” headlines to attract eyeballs, it is nearly impossible to separate fact from narrative.


January 2016 Market Outlook

The flaw in compartmentalized thinking for an investor is that we tend to place too much weight on the investment outcomes of a particular calendar year when it bears virtually no impact on long term investment results.
                                                                           –CCR Wealth Management Outlook, February 2015


October 2015 Market Outlook

We had occasion to attend a luncheon and meet former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who was the featured speaker.


July 2015 Market Outlook

Some clients may be required to adjust their own portfolio expectations & strategy in pursuit of the return required of their financial plan.


February 2015 Market Outlook

Investors are forced to choose between the boogey-man of actually rising interest rates, or the boogey-man of a 100% credit-bond portfolio.


September 2014 Market Outlook

As with most truly alternative investments, an investor must give up some liquidity to reap these benefits. 


May 2014 Market Outlook

US equity markets have seen what we would describe as mild volatility over the last few weeks, mostly attributed to geopolitical tensions emanating from the Ukraine-Russia belligerence. 


January 2014 Market Outlook

What are the similarities between 2013 and the late 1990’s? What are the differences that matter?  Are we in another equity bubble?


October 2013 Market Outlook

The stakes are too high to flirt with failure and ultimately default; party affiliation will not insulate anyone, all parties to the impasse know it (despite the rhetoric), and we must operate under these premises. 


January 2013 Market Outlook

Last year we were looking for US economic growth in the 2%-3% range, an improved investing environment here in the US as well as a stabilizing of non-US and particularly developing markets.