CCR Earth Day 2024
Join us in supporting the Regional Environmental Council in creating a healthier and more sustainable community for all!

CCR at Habitat for Humanity 2023
Shout out to all the amazing CCR volunteers who came out to help with the Habitat for Humanity project this month!

Earth Day at CCR
We support the Regional Environmental Council in building a healthy and sustainable community.

CCR Earth Day Cleanup 2023
Every year, we take pride in celebrating Earth Day by cleaning the Lyman St Rail Trail.

Happy Earth Day!
Let our experience and guidance help grow the financial seeds you’ve worked hard to plant.

DCF Winter Items Donation 2020
We collected over 50 pairs of pajamas and an entire bag each of boys underwear, girls underwear, gloves, and hats for DCF!

Feeding the Front Line at Tufts Medical Center
Using funds the CCR Charity and Community Responsibility Committee raised from our ‘Snack Shack’ sales we were able to send 40 meals from 5 Spices House to Tufts Medical Center in Boston, MA. We received this nice note of from them:“Thank you so much, we have fed our Pediatric ICU and Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant team with your donation,…

Feeding the Front Line at UMass Memorial Medical Center
CCR is grateful for the front line workers at UMass Memorial Medical Center and the wonderful program set up by Quinn’s Irish Pub to feed them!

Wildflower – Helping Kids Rediscover Life After Loss
Wildflower is an amazing organization that helps kids that have dealt with loss in their life. Their gala event had to be canceled this year, but we are proud to be a sponsor. Being a kid means enjoying time to daydream, play and grow. When a child loses a parent, that carefree time can be…

Happy Earth Day
Although the Earth Day cleanup has been cancelled this year due to COVID-19 we are proud to support the Regional Environmental Council and all they do to create healthy and sustainable communities.

Habitat for Humanity – Operation Playhouse
CCR participated in Habitat for Humanity’s Operation Playhouse, a program that benefits local veterans and military families and their children.

March for Babies 2019
Each year CCR raises money and participates in the local March of Dimes March for Babies walk in Worcester, MA.

Coats for Kids 2019
WOW – we just filled our entire 18 foot table with 65 COATS and 16 HATS/MITTENS for the local Department of Children and Families office!

Salvation Army Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution
Our team volunteered at the Salvation Army’s Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution, where 2,000 families received a Thanksgiving Dinner including all the fixings.

CCR Purchases Books for Local Classroom
This year we chose a classroom we found that needed books. We received a sweet letter of thanks from the teacher.

Community Harvest 2018
CCR harvested eggplant, tomatoes and peppers for the Community Harvest Project, a non-profit farm that grows fresh fruits and vegetables for the community.

Veterans Inc. – Stand Down 2018
This year we supported the Stand Down event by collecting socks of all types to be donated to the vets.

March for Babies 2018
We had a great time at the March for Babies Walk in Worcester, MA – our tie-dye t-shirts went great with the purple!